Google Adsense 联盟如何每月收入1000美元?


最近都没怎么写关于 Google Adsense 的文章了,主要十一这段时间基本上都在路上,把我累成了狗,今天逛国外论坛看到了一篇文章来自Digital Point觉得启发很大,特别是文中提到的 Adsense 关键词专题型多站的运营策略,下面先带大家看看英文原文:

After 5 months 15 days with Adsense.

October 2009 $82
November 2009 $115
December 2009 $202
January 2010 $508
February 2010 $973
March 2010 $1.310

If you want, yes you can make money with AdSense.

How I did?

I have around 30 working web sites. I have more than that, but not all of them making money.

All my web sites are micro sites, they are not too complicated, just simple.

All of them related with just one Keyword. I did not want to make just one web site. I just divide that keyword than I made a site for each keyword. That way you can get more visitors I think.

I don’t do SEO. I mean I do some; like back-linking my web sites together. Other than else I don’t do anything. I mean I don’t have time to do other stuff.

I am using non-used keywords, that reason my search results are really good always top 3.

I am using simple keywords, like search value 1000 – 4000 monthly. that’s better, you don’t have to do to much work. 2 weeks later I will be top 3 search results from google.

My keywords are related with products, when people search that product they see samples, they want to buy it, then they click one of AdSense ad. its easy get info + then look for who is selling it.

I use only 1 AD box 300×250 verdana font – large – regular link colors. no other ads

My average click rate is $0.50

When I start my daily revenue was $1.00 – $3.00 Now it is around $42.00 – $56.00

It is making better every months, I hope it will be much better soon. Of course I have to spend more time on it and create more pages.

if you have 2-3 pages it is not easy to make money. Create more pages. You will see that will be much better.

Adsense is not easy way to make money, but it is not difficult to earn money to.

Also I am a professional web designer, that reason I can create more pages and optimize them quickly.

This is my last month result numbers around;

75.000 page impression – 2300 clicks

Anyway, good luck everyone.

Adsense 5个月零15天的破千收入记录



选择每个月搜索量为 1000-4000 IP的关键词,这种关键词比较冷门(PS:至于使用的工具我之前写过一篇文章,大家可以参考:SEO优化和Adsense高价关键字研究必备的分析工具)为每个关键词好好的做一个站点,他一共做了30个(PS:这域名和主机的费用~~~其实可以挂上SSR去blogspot等免费的地方建,你懂的,不懂请留言!)注意要真正为这关键词作个好站,你自己要换位思考,如果你是访客,你觉得搜索这个词,上你的站是最好的吗?这可以使你的站至少排到搜索结果前3位,我做的话,基本是第一位,呵呵,这就是专题站的力量,原文中他说的是2个星期排到前3(PS:现在有难度了,搜索引擎的算法很是先进,至于如何将关键词内容做到排名第一,这个属于SEO范畴不在本文详解范围内)还是选择关键词的技巧,他选择的是产品关键词,访客为了买东西才会搜索这样的词,所以转化率会比较高,这样的网站针对性强,价值也高只放了一个300×250的广告点击单价为 $0.5 美元,算中等偏上,当然对于中文内容是不容易做到这么高的单价的,所以大家还是尽量做英文内容。刚开始的时候,一天的收入只有$1.00 – $3.00 现在差不多一天 $42.00 – $56.00不断的为站点丰富内容,更新时间可以不用老更新,但要更新的精,2至3个页面一个站是不可取的,至少要慢慢增加他上个月的Adsense情况是75000 访问, 2300 点击要赚 Google Adsense 的钱不容易,但也不难

之前我在国外的一些卖站的平台也见过一些外国人在出售的个人运作的盈利网站【在国外论坛买英文站如何辨别网站域名是否被 Adsense 禁止?】,其中一个给我深刻记忆的便是一个做平衡车的网站,整个网站通篇只有平衡车的测评文章和亚马逊购买链接,这么一个简单的网站每月能产生百刀的收入,所以后面我一直建议大家找个产品关键词好好的去做专题内容,这样一来内容专注性高能提升站内文章的关联度,二来产品关键词进来的访客大都对产品内容比较感兴趣的,如果网站内有可靠的链接,可能会产生直接的消费转化。

当然,千里之行始于足下,Adsense 赚钱的方法有很多种,具体就看你如何玩转,套用网站界一句金言:思路都是相通的!,只要你找到一种适合自己的方法去执行,后面你就会越来越得心应手。


最新 Google Adsense 高价格CPC关键词及如何使用关键词让你赚的更多2018年最佳的 Google AdSense 高单价关键词检索Adsense 月入过万,你必须要懂的赚钱逻辑及赚钱心态细数那些成人网站可申请的高价可靠赚钱成人广告联盟


本人擅长Ai、Fw、Fl、Br、Ae、Pr、Id、Ps等软件的安装与卸载,精通CSS、JavaScript、PHP、ASP、C、C++、C#、Java、Ruby、Perl、Lisp、Python、Objective-C、ActionScript、Pascal等单词的拼写,熟悉Windows、Linux、OS X、Android、iOS、WP8等系统的开关机。





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